1.2 Tools and software Complete and free digital painting course Photoshop painting course

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1.2 Tools and software Complete and free digital painting course Photoshop painting course
1.2 Tools and software Complete and free digital painting course Photoshop painting course
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You may already be familiar with traditional media, such as watercolor, oil or acrylic, and now you are wondering… "what is digital painting?" »

Digital painting is a new medium that allows us to create beautiful works of art, without the mess of ink or oil painting. It still requires the same skills and techniques as traditional painting (no, you can't just create art by clicking a button…yet), but it's also easier in many ways.

Instead of painting on canvas or paper, digital painting allows you to paint directly on a computer, which has many amazing benefits:

It's much less complicated and you can do it in even the smallest spaces – as long as you have space to set up your tablet (and possibly a computer), you're good to go!
It's much faster, because you don't need to wait for the paints to dry.
This will allow you to work faster and more creatively: you'll be able to use powerful digital tools like layers to unlock entirely new ways of working.
The only things you need to get started with digital painting are a graphics tablet and painting software of your choice.

Don't worry if you don't know where to start: in this course I'll guide you step by step.

Credit – Jaysen Batchelor, Austin Batchelor

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