#2 Get in shape the easy way! Creating a Fitness Workout App in Flutter Fitness Level and Personal Details

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#2 Get in shape the easy way! Creating a Fitness Workout App in Flutter Fitness Level and Personal Details
#2 Get in shape the easy way! Creating a Fitness Workout App in Flutter Fitness Level and Personal Details
Welcome to our YouTube channel! In this exciting Flutter tutorial, we'll guide you through creating a fitness training app, allowing users to personalize their fitness journey. We'll explain how to implement the Select fitness level and personal details features for a personalized workout experience!

️‍️ Adapt your fitness level: With our Workout Fitness app, users can choose their fitness level, from beginner to advanced, to access personalized workout plans tailored to their needs.

Personalize your details: Learn how to integrate personal details to create a unique profile for each user, including age, weight and fitness goals, optimizing their workout experience.

️ Effective and intuitive user interface: We will design an intuitive user interface to make it easier to track progress and set fitness goals. Flutter widgets will ensure a seamless user experience.

Dynamic Training Plans: Learn how to create dynamic training plans based on users' fitness levels and goals. Users can change or modify their plans at any time for a flexible fitness routine.

Track your progress: We'll show how to incorporate progress tracking features to keep users motivated. They can track their achievements and celebrate their fitness milestones!

Flutter for Cross-Platform Excellence: Harness the power of Flutter to create a single codebase that works seamlessly across Android and iOS devices, reaching a wider fitness-focused audience.

Elevate Your Fitness App Development Skills: Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or a developer looking to improve your skills, this tutorial will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge.

Ready to move? now and embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Let's build a fitness community together!

If you find this tutorial helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more exciting Flutter tutorials, app development tips, and fitness app ideas.

—————- Select fitness level UI ————
00:05 – Select Fitness Level UI screen (Step 2 UI screen)
18:54 – Common Select Button Widget

—————- New Personal Details UI Screen ————
25:56 – Personal details UI screen (step 3 UI screen)
33:00 – Configuring the CupertinoSwitch widget
40:42 – Configuring the showCupertinoModalPopup widget
43:50 – Configuring the CupertinoDatePicker widget
49:00 – Common Selection Date and Time Widget
1:01:08 – Create a DateTime extension StringFormat function
1:07:00 – Common Custom Selector Widget
1:09:49 – Configuring the CupertinoPicker widget
1:24:50 – Configuring the CupertinoSegmentedControl widget

Workout Fitness App UI UX Design Convent in Flutter Code Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWQKexuQAGi4tlGEyHQmI7Dg

Food Delivery App UI UX Design Convent in Flutter Code Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWQ2rYRGhSLjEvCXi3PS9J3N

Food Delivery Backend API with Node Js Express REST API and Socket.io API Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWR8hUMwl6PTxJSkwpP4O36X

Node.js Express Js with REST Api and Socket.io Api Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWRlYXalCqTqoC6csqUIJWCa

OTT PhotoPlay App UI UX Design Convent in Flutter Code Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWRA4mQcqx2-FbmHjLKbUSqZ

Fitness Workout Tracker, Meal Planner, Sleep Tracker App UI UX Design Convent in Flutter Code Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWR1AY-uvplpAYoDFzRdUHgQ

Food Restaurants App UI UX Design PSD and Convent Sketch in Flutter Code Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWTacE7f0rxm1hyOgJe8DW5l

Convent UI UX in iOS and Android Flutter mobile apps playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWQjFmHJnIu0XXGfUnssgG4_

Flutter Book Store UI to Mobile App UX Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzcRC7PA0xWTy1tnnjwgqBA8tYD8NXs2F

Thanks for watching my videos.

Design of the UI UX application by: Capi Creative Design

Github: https://github.com/codeforany/workout_fitness_flutter_3

Background music: Time To Go by Balynt is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

#WorkoutFitnessApp #FlutterAppDevelopment #SelectFitnessLevel #PersonalDetails #FitnessAppDevelopment #FlutterTutorial #FlutterBeginner #MobileAppDevelopment #FitnessJourney #FitnessGoals #FlutterWidgets #WorkoutApp #FlutterDesign #FitnessCommunity #FlutterProgressTracking #AppDevelopmentTutorial #FlutterProjects #FlutterCommunity ilestones #FlutterWorkoutApp #CodingInFlutter #FlutterUI #FlutterMobileApps

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