4 tips for safe online shopping

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4 tips for safe online shopping
4 tips for safe online shopping
Hello, welcome back, my name is Amanda Christensen with Utah State University Extension. You can tell I'm not in my usual filming studio today. I travel for work, but I still wanted to put together a video. As I film this, it's Cyber Monday, and whether you spend a lot of time shopping online, or only a little, the recommendations are the same for protecting your personal financial information and shopping only in places that are legitimate businesses. .

Above all, be careful who you choose to trust with your online business. If you're not sure whether a business seems legitimate or a safe place to shop, you can check it out at better business bureau.org at bbb.org and find more information about its company, about their business, for better and for worse on this website, so this is a tool that I would use.

Second: use a secure payment method. Do not buy online with a debit card. Use a credit card that has many more security measures and leaves you much less liable if someone online gets their hands on your information.

Third, go directly to the source of the website you are purchasing from. Do not click on an email to go to the website. Something on social media that you find and see that seems appealing. Instead, go directly to the website and then search for the item from there. This just ensures that you are actually on the real website instead of a phishing or some sort of scam that is just trying to trick you into entering personal information and then stealing that information.

Finally, before entering your credit card number into a site to pay for anything online, make sure you see https:// in the browser's address bar. So the s isn't always there, but it should be there when you enter your credit card information, just telling you that this site is secure and has the right qualifications, the right precautions to protect your information private.

These tips were a good reminder for me, and I hope they can be helpful to you when shopping online, anytime, especially this time of year. Be sure to check the description box below for a link to more information. Additionally, I would love for you to contact me on social media or leave a comment below letting me know what type of content you would like to see or if you have any questions, I would love to do my best. to answer. Thanks for watching, my name is Amanda Christensen and I work for Utah State University Extension. See you next time, goodbye.


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