4 tips to improve your open water swimming #triathlon

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4 tips to improve your open water swimming #triathlon
4 tips to improve your open water swimming #triathlon
Open water swimming is an adjustment. Even the best swimmers in the sport don't like open water swimming. I don't like open water swimming (I'm not one of the best swimmers). I often had panic attacks at the start of a triathlon. During one of my first races, I got a splash in the face and started hyperventilating. I had to float on my back for 5 minutes to calm down so I could continue swimming. The anxiety has improved since then, but it's still not my favorite. Discover these 4 tips to improve your comfort:

1. Breathe – this seems obvious, but breathing is the most powerful way to get yourself out of that fight or flight response. A wetsuit can make breathing more restricted, so slow your breathing and visualize your vagus nerve going to your heart and slowing your heart rate (that's its job, and it works!)

2. Warming up in the water before departure – this is not always possible, but when it is, acclimate to the water temperature and environment. At least 10-15 minutes. Visualize the race. And warm up your heart rate and stroke so you're ready to go when the gun goes off.

3. Adopt a slightly faster swimming cadence than in the pool – this can be helpful in being responsive and combating any waves or other chop you may encounter.

5. Train in open water – you can be one of the best pool swimmers, and one of the most comfortable, but when you enter open water, the cold, dark abyss can trigger something In you. The best way to feel comfortable in this environment is to practice it… often!

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