4 Ways to Take an iPhone Screenshot Without a Button!

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4 Ways to Take an iPhone Screenshot Without a Button!
4 Ways to Take an iPhone Screenshot Without a Button!
4 Ways to Take a Screenshot on Your iPhone Without Having to Use Buttons. You can use any of these 4 iPhone tricks whenever you want to take a screenshot in an easier way than using the old buttons trick.


Do this after updating to iOS 17: https://youtu.be/qrbvMxUxguc

How to install iOS 17: https://youtu.be/trfH5eVQrU0

iOS 17 – 130 new features and changes: https://youtu.be/M2bpeQn5VBE

iOS 17 – 30 HIDDEN Features: https://youtu.be/ocxlEQZtnPI

iOS 17 – Supported devices and release date: https://youtu.be/lopZnPyh31Y

SPEED UP WiFi and cellular data on iPhone: https://youtu.be/f1SOV6ENMa4

FREE iPhone and iCloud storage: https://youtu.be/s9dBeZvO-2M

Things you didn't know the iPhone could do: https://youtu.be/J39miOyvyyg

How to Mirror iPhone Screen to Any TV – 2023: https://youtu.be/nkO2EveBaNc

Check iPhone for viruses and remove them: https://youtu.be/_dFuhJbIrn0

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