4 Ways to Uninstall Software in Linux Mint

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4 Ways to Uninstall Software in Linux Mint
4 Ways to Uninstall Software in Linux Mint
In this video you will learn 4 different ways to uninstall programs in Linux Mint. I will also explain to you how and why these 4 ways should be used in my opinion.

Watch more Linux Mint videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLSmXPSsgkZLsiemyy_Rzcqf_0iED8ZfHS

These means are:

1. Right-click on the program in the menu.
2. Linux Mint Software Manager.
3. Synaptic Package Manager.
4. Command line
– Standard method: sudo apt-get delete program-name
– Delete a program and its configuration files: sudo apt-get purge program-name && sudo apt-get autoremove

In my opinion, the best option for an absolute beginner in Linux is to remove a program with a right-click in the menu or through the software manager. Synaptic Package Manager is the best option if you are a more experienced user and want to have more control over your system. Personally, I use Synaptic package manager most of the time in my Linux Mint.
The command line is the basic option for removing a program in Linux Mint. This is the best way if you want to learn how to use the command line and you really want to learn Linux.

Here are 4 ways to uninstall programs on Linux Mint that I know of. If you know any other ways to uninstall programs on Linux Mint, please leave a comment below.

I would also appreciate it if you shared this video with those who might find it helpful.

If you like my Linux Mint theme, I showed it here https://youtu.be/osA-ZEEz6Zw

I also recommend you watch /"15 Things to Do First in Linux Mint/" https://youtu.be/RXV6FXVL6xI?listPLSmXPSsgkZLsiemyy_Rzcqf_0iED8ZfHS


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