5 Best Foods for Eye Health and Vision

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5 Best Foods for Eye Health and Vision
5 Best Foods for Eye Health and Vision
Dr. Allen shares his top 5 foods for eye health! Do you want to know what to eat to naturally improve eyesight? Consider these eye-healthy foods! Learn more about eye health here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vEeg78mgESOM&listPLzi60fSuOmPBcFdYGrNkvfmYzoNiQ183H

More information on lutein and its beneficial properties for the eyes:

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I strongly believe that the food we eat can be a form of medicine, as most medicines available to us are often derived from naturally growing plants. Foods good for the eyes are mostly fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide many of the antioxidants and minerals needed to help combat the high metabolic and oxidative demands on the retina and eye structures.

For example, sweet potatoes and carrots are often considered the best foods for the eyes because they contain a high amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A is great for helping with night vision and may even play a role in dry eyes. .

Green leafy vegetables also contain high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are caratonoids that play an essential role in the health of the macula, the central part of the retina that ensures the ability to read accurately as well as sight. color perception. Lutein and zeazanthin also act as natural blue light blockers and help combat oxidative stress and inflammation that can occur within the retina.

Omega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to play a positive role in an eye-healthy diet. Diets rich in omega 3 have been linked to improvements in dry eye, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.

More information on omega 3 fatty acids: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLzi60fSuOmPBgmmiE8JKM1PzBsP-LX48p

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0:00 Best Foods for Eye Health and Vision
0:33 Carrots versus sweet potatoes
0:49 Vitamin A for the eyes
1:30 Lutein and Zeaxanthin
2:23 Vitamin C for the eyes
3:01 Omega 3 fatty acids
4:13 Vitamin E and zinc

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About this video:
In this video, Dr. Joseph J. Allen, OD, FAAO, Diplo ABO of Doctor Eye Health reviews his Top 5 Foods for Eye Health and Vision! If you are wondering what food is good for the eyes or what to eat to naturally improve eyesight, then this video is for you. A diet for healthy eyes is also a diet good for the heart. This means lots of green leafy vegetables but also fruits that are good for the eyes. The best food for eyesight is debatable, but many eye health professionals would likely mention foods rich in vitamin A (like carrots or sweet potato) or green leafy vegetables (like kale or spinach).

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