5 Foods for Liver Detoxification

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5 Foods for Liver Detoxification
5 Foods for Liver Detoxification
5 foods for liver detox #shorts

Dr. Janine shares five foods for liver detoxification. She talks about the symptoms of liver toxicity. She looks at how lemons are rich in vitamin C, important for liver health. She explains how kale and bitter greens are great for liver detoxification. She explains how research shows that green tea, particularly EGCG, helps with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. She reviews how good nuts are for liver detoxification. Finally, Dr. Janine explains how curcumin in turmeric is great for liver health.

Links to supplements mentioned in this video
Vitatree Fruits Multi: https://us.vitatree.com/fruits-multi/
Vitatree Vegetables Multi: https://us.vitatree.com/veggies-multi/
Turmeric Curcumin – Vitatree Turmeric Curcumin: https://us.vitatree.com/turmeric-curcumin-vegan-joints/

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-Online every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. EST
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#livercleanse #liver #fattyliver


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