5 Ways to Organize Your Computer Desktop Icons

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5 Ways to Organize Your Computer Desktop Icons
5 Ways to Organize Your Computer Desktop Icons
Is your desk cluttered? These tips can organize everything.

Over time, a computer's desktop becomes cluttered with folders of files, photos, documents, and games. For some people, like me, it's chaos. But you can bring some order to this madness in just a few steps. You can do this on a Mac, I'll use a PC for the examples. First, set aside all the programs and files you need daily. For everything else, we will create folders. For photos, documents, current projects. You decide. I created this folder for programs I rarely open, then dragged these icons into the folders. Arranging these icons usually does the trick, but a busy desktop background makes files difficult to see. You might want a photo of the kids, which is fine. Or… choose a blank background to make the icons stand out. Or…and I love it. Use a wallpaper that acts as an organizer. You can find them for free online. This has space for the programs you use daily, quick backups, permanent, personal and miscellaneous items. Or create your own with a program like the Canva web app. Name each section of the wallpaper and move the icons where you can find them. There. A clear improvement.

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