6 Google Calendar Features to Improve Your Workflow and Productivity My Favorite Gcal Features

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6 Google Calendar Features to Improve Your Workflow and Productivity My Favorite Gcal Features
6 Google Calendar Features to Improve Your Workflow and Productivity My Favorite Gcal Features
6 of my favorite Google Calendar features to supercharge your organization and planning!

Optimizing my calendar for my workflow has saved me tons of time and kept me super organized!

1️⃣ Google Tasks: I love using these to write down what I want to accomplish during my time slots. The Google Tasks app is also great for tasks and will sync with the task sidebar on the web browser version of GCal!

2️⃣ Daily Planner: You can receive a daily email in the morning that lists your schedule for the day! You must configure it once for each of your calendars.

3️⃣ Separate Calendars: I love having separate calendars for time blocking and color coding! You can also turn them on and off when you don't need to see them. My calendars are super fluid and I usually update them every few months.

4️⃣ Custom Calendar Colors: Adding your own color palette to your calendars makes everything more fun and exciting!

5️⃣ Event notifications: I need to set up reminders so I don't forget things, but when I set them up manually every time, I sometimes forgot! Once you set up default notifications on your calendar, reminders will always be automatically set up when you create new events.

6️⃣ Different Calendar Layouts: Different layouts are very useful to see your time in different ways! My favorites are weekly on my computer and on my calendar on my phone.

️ Did you learn anything new? Which ones are you thinking of trying?!

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