7 Fantastic Alternatives to Tofu – Chef's Pencil

7 Fantastic Alternatives to Tofu – Chef's Pencil

HomeCooking Tips, Recipes7 Fantastic Alternatives to Tofu – Chef's Pencil

Tofu is one of those foods that you either love or hate. But we think tofu gets a bad rap and we're ready to change that!

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Channel Avatar Caitlin Shoemaker2023-02-28 20:14:54 Thumbnail

The 3-Ingredient Crispy Tofu I Can't Stop Making #shorts

Tofu is believed to have been invented by accident when a Chinese chef accidentally added nagari to a pot of simmering soy milk! As you might have guessed tofu is made from soybeans using a similar process to cheese making.

Instead of heating dairy milk and curdling it with bacteria or acid for tofu soy milk is heated and curdled with a special protein. The liquid is then strained and pressed into blocks. The result can be quite bland as it often has no other ingredients but the good news is that tofu is super absorbent so anything you marinate it in will sink right in!

Tofu comes in a variety of textures and types. The very soft (or “silken” a shelf-stable variety) tofu is gelatinous and creamy and blends easily. The firm tofu is sliceable and holds its shape when cooked. Tofu also comes pre-sliced and marinated in a variety of flavors… looks like we’re not the only ones trying to change your mind about tofu!