A guide on how to install Virtualmin 7 – open source web hosting control panel on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

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A guide on how to install Virtualmin 7 – open source web hosting control panel on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
A guide on how to install Virtualmin 7 – open source web hosting control panel on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Virtualmin open source web hosting control panel on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in minutes using Virtualmin automated installation script. I will demonstrate it on a server deployed in the cloud on the AWS EC2 service. Virtualmin is a powerful and flexible web hosting control panel for Linux and BSD systems. This is a solution available as a community-supported open source product, and a more feature-rich version with premium support is also available.

Virtualmin is the cost-effective and complete solution for managing virtual web hosting. Some of virtualmin's features include: domain accounts, user and reseller accounts and ACLs, cloud backups and integration, database management and much more. So, if you are looking for an open source product to manage your website, you can try VirtualMin as a solution for your use case.

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