A step-by-step guide: activate dark mode on your Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro

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A step-by-step guide: activate dark mode on your Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
A step-by-step guide: activate dark mode on your Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
To enable dark mode in a Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro, follow these steps:

1. Access the device's "Settings" menu by tapping the gear icon on the home screen or accessing it through the notification panel.
2. Scroll down and tap on the /"Display/" option.
3. In the /"Appearance/" section, tap /"Theme./"
4. From the list of available themes, choose /"Dark./"
5. The device will automatically switch to dark mode and all compatible apps will also adopt the dark theme.
Alternatively, you can enable dark mode by going to the quick settings panel (accessible by swiping down from the top of the screen) and tapping the /“Dark mode/” toggle. This will instantly enable or disable dark mode.

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