Add multitouch trackpad gestures in Linux

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Add multitouch trackpad gestures in Linux
Add multitouch trackpad gestures in Linux
I recently set up my new Matebook 13 with nice touchpad gestures on a basic OS, and it works great. Since I like to share, here's how to enable these gestures and create them on the fly on your own system. These commands will work on Ubuntu, or anything Ubuntu-based, but you can adapt them to your own distribution if necessary.

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Libinput-Gestures link:

Gestures app link:

List of key codes:

Orders :
sudo gpasswd -a USER entry

sudo apt-get install wmctrl python3 python3-setuptools xdotool python3-gi libinput-tools python-gobject

Downloads cd/libinput-gestures

sudo make install

cd Downloads/gestures

sudo python3 install

Installing Libinput
To add gestures in Linux, you will need Libinput-gestures, which is a small library capable of detecting and recognizing different multitouch gestures on your trackpad.
To install it, the procedure is quite simple.

First, you will need to add your user to the INPUT group so you can use gestures. Simply open a terminal and type:

sudo gpasswd -a USER entry

Once you have entered your password and the command is complete, you will need to log out and log in again.

Next, let's install a few packages we'll need to get started:
In your terminal, type:

sudo apt-get install wmctrl python3 python3-setuptools xdotool python3-gi libinput-tools python-gobject

These packages will allow you to map gestures to specific key presses and use an application to create the gestures.

Next, we will download and install libinput-gestures.
Go to the project's github page and download the archive. Extract it to your Downloads folder.

Next, open a terminal and type:

Downloads cd/libinput-gestures-master
sudo make install

Everything should now be installed correctly. We'll just need to make sure the libinput gestures start with the system, so we'll type in the terminal:

autostart libinput-gestures-setup
starting libinput-gestures-setup

Installing the Gestures app
To create your own gestures, there's a handy little app that lets you select the gesture you want and the command you want to perform when the gesture is detected. It's called /"Gestures/".

head over to the Github page (again, link in description below) and download the archive. Extract it to your Downloads folder.

Then, in your terminal, type:

cd Downloads/gestures
sudo python3 install

And that's it, now everything is configured, you can safely delete the folders from your downloads directory

Create your gestures
This is the easy part. The app allows you to click the /"/" button to create a new gesture. Select the type of gesture: pinch or swipe, the number of fingers, then the direction of the gesture.
You then need to type the command you want to execute when you perform the actual gesture.

To map a gesture to a specific key press, you can use xdotool.
Just type the xdotool key
Next, the key combination you want to do.
You can type Super, Control, Alt, or Shift, then the key you want.

As an example, I created a 3-finger swipe up to launch multitasking view on a basic OS. I mapped it to the standard Super Down elemental shortcut.
I just hit the xdotool Superdown key

For a list of codes you can use for each key, head to the link in the description below and tell us the key code in the second column of the key you want to use to create a gesture. pinch to zoom, the shortcut to use if Control Plus. The Plus key code is 0x002b

You will therefore need to type:

xdotool key Control0x002b

That's it, once your gestures are saved, they will automatically load each time the system starts, so no more fiddling 🙂

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