AirPods not staying in your ears? Custom AirPod tips are the solution!

HomeOther ContentAirPods not staying in your ears? Custom AirPod tips are the solution!
AirPods not staying in your ears? Custom AirPod tips are the solution!
AirPods not staying in your ears? Custom AirPod tips are the solution!
AirPods falling out of your ears? Ear canals too small, too curved to hold them?

Custom AirPod tips ordered from your local audiologist's office will not only keep them in your ears, but also give you better fidelity because they actually stay in place! Ear impressions are taken so the AirPod tips are designed to fit every nook and cranny of YOUR ears.

If you are in our area (Lawrenceville, NJ), we can help! Visit us at or call us at (609) 896-5970.

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