Apple launches self-service iPhone repair program

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Apple launches self-service iPhone repair program
Apple launches self-service iPhone repair program
Apple today announced the launch of its self-service repair program for iPhone.
Through this program, third-generation iPhone 12, iPhone 13, and iPhone SE users will complete certain repairs at home.
It launched in the United States early and is expected to launch in Europe later this year.
Apple says genuine repair manuals and Apple parts and tools will be available at a new self-service repair store.
In the store, customers will have access to more than 200 individual parts and tools.
Initially, the store will include tools only for the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 lines and the third-generation iPhone SE.
Apple says it plans to expand the store with tools, manuals and parts for Macs powered by Apple silicon chips later this year.

#Apple launches
#Apple Parts & Tools
#Macs equipped with Apple silicon chips

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