Beat 5 Fraudulent Arcade Games Using Science

HomeOther ContentBeat 5 Fraudulent Arcade Games Using Science
Beat 5 Fraudulent Arcade Games Using Science
Beat 5 Fraudulent Arcade Games Using Science
I built 5 robots to beat the 5 most popular arcade games. If you want to unlock the magic of engineering in your life, go to (for teens and older) OR (for teens and the youngest).

I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the juicy physics of how it works. So if you want to learn how to think like an engineer and really have fun, check out the current promotion where you get 2 boxes FREE at

You should also subscribe to the CrunchLabs YouTube channel as we have some bangers in the works –

And if you want this backpack (minus the gear to win all the games), you can find it here –

Yes, it's the music of plants against zombies! Credit to the inimitable Laura Shigihara-

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