Berry Pavlova Recipe

Berry Pavlova Recipe

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesBerry Pavlova Recipe

It is a light vessel for the transport of high season fruit.

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Channel Avatar Home Cooking Adventure2015-08-21 14:00:01 Thumbnail

Berry Pavlova Recipe

Simple Recipes / Sarah Crowder

This recipe was inspired by a friend I went berry picking with a few years ago who suggested we use our delicious haul to top a light crispy meringue. Her insistence that we use a truly decadent amount of freshly picked blueberries blackberries and raspberries surprised and delighted me then and now I can’t imagine serving a pavlova any other way.

Many pavlova recipes include what I'd describe as a garnish amount of fruit but this version flips the usual ratio so that the meringue acts as a sort of marshmallow-like container for the season's load of berries: eight cups to be exact.