Best Mozzarella Substitutes For Pizza, Pasta, Lasagna & Salads – Chef's Pencil

Best Mozzarella Substitutes For Pizza, Pasta, Lasagna & Salads – Chef's Pencil

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesBest Mozzarella Substitutes For Pizza, Pasta, Lasagna & Salads – Chef's Pencil

Ciao to all the home cooks everywhere! Today we’re talking about mozzarella substitutes from other meltingly rich velvety cheeses to dairy-free mozzarella alternatives (i.e. vegan substitutes) to homemade recipes—yes they’re all here!

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Channel Avatar albert_cancook2023-05-16 14:00:09 Thumbnail

Lasagna 🇮🇹 🤌 @BayashiTV_

We all love mozzarella and its sticky stretchy milky sweet and creamy texture. We can’t get enough of it right? Well sometimes we run out of luck! We don’t have Italian cheese in the house or we don’t eat dairy or animal products.

So what can we do when the recipe calls for this fantastic cheese but we don’t have it? Of course we don’t give in! We find other ways around it! After all what recipe isn’t better with mozzarella? Or its substitutes?

If you can’t find mozzarella to complete your dish or would prefer a vegan alternative there are plenty of mozzarella substitutes you can try! Whether we’re talking store-bought mozzarella or fresh mozzarella there are two qualities you can mimic with a substitute: