Best Social Media Marketing Books from SMMW Book Stall

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Best Social Media Marketing Books from SMMW Book Stall
Best Social Media Marketing Books from SMMW Book Stall
If you try searching for the term “Social Media Marketing Books” on Amazon or Google, you will get thousands of results. How do you know which books are good? How do you know which books are worth the limited and precious reading time you have each day?

Wouldn't it be great if someone picked out the best books on social media marketing and gave you a list in one place?

The Social Media Examiner team does just that every year. They carefully select the best books on social media marketing and display them in their book stand at their annual social media marketing conference, Social Media Marketing World (SMMW).

And we do the hard work of rating all the books in their book stand and listing them for you in one place.

Here is a video list of 80 books from the book stands at the #SMMW17 and #SMMW16 conferences. To make it easy for you to get these books and connect with the authors, we have added the links to the book's Amazon listing and the authors' Twitter account in the full listing on our blog page.

Access the full list here

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