Best time to visit Maldives

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Best time to visit Maldives
Best time to visit Maldives
When is the best time to visit the Maldives? The Maldives is a country located in the Indian Ocean. It is known for its beautiful beaches and diving sites. November to April would be the best time to visit the Maldives as the weather will be sunny and warm with very little rainfall. However, it can be a little more humid and hot during these months.

This Maldives travel guide will outline the months in which you should visit.

In January, the Maldives enjoy lots of sunshine and very little rainfall. The average temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius during the day, while it can drop as low as 24 degrees Celsius at night. This would be an excellent time for snorkeling and diving as the sea is generally calm and very clear.

From February to March, the Maldives will be dry and very sunny. The average temperature will be around 31 degrees Celsius during the day, with a minimum of 26 degrees Celsius at night. This is the perfect time to swim, sunbathe and explore the island.

This is also the peak season when tourists are most likely to visit the country, and it can get a little crowded during this time.

April is another peak month in the Maldives. Tourists will still flock to the country, but rainfall will be greater. The average temperature will be around 30 degrees Celsius during the day and 26 degrees Celsius at night. This month is suitable for those who want to enjoy the scenery without having to deal with large crowds.

May to September are considered off-peak months in the Maldives as it rains often and humidity levels are high. The temperature will be around 29 degrees Celsius during the day and 24 degrees Celsius at night. Most attractions will be closed outside of peak hours, so it may not be the best time to visit them if you want to do a lot of sightseeing.

However, it is an excellent time for those who want to relax and enjoy the beaches.

Also note that they celebrate Independence Day on July 26, so you can attend the festivities and celebrate with the locals. They organize parades, fireworks and cultural shows.

The Maldives is known for whale shark sightings in October and November, when the sharks swim closer to shore to feed on plankton. It's also mating season, so you might see some of them getting frisky. You can also see manta rays during these months.

Finally, December is hot in the Maldives, with an average temperature of 29 degrees Celsius. The country will be celebrating during this period as Christmas and New Year will be celebrated. Most tourist attractions will be open, except for a few restaurants which may close for a day or two.

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