Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Cardio, a Waste of Time

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Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Cardio, a Waste of Time
Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Cardio, a Waste of Time
How to lose belly fat is a question I receive more frequently than any other question. It's for good reason. Fat loss often starts and stops with our abs, core, lower stomach and once we are lean we know we have achieved our goal. This can also be the hardest part of losing fat. Today's question is about the idea that cardio is a waste of time for fat loss.

We need to understand two things when it comes to losing body fat. We first need to understand how fat is lost and we also need to understand how long it will take. For many, frustration sets in once we've lost a little weight but see no change in belly or lower abdominal fat.

The #1 exercise to lose belly fat (for good) isn't a setup, leg raise, or any other muscle-building movement. Losing abdominal fat requires exercise that we can perform with regularity, that allows us to recover, does not make us overeat and keeps the fat loss moving.

How much cardio should we do to lose belly fat is not the right question.

What is the perfect diet to lose belly fat? There is no perfect diet for everyone.

Let me tell you the best way to lose belly fat and that cardio can be a waste of time if you do it wrong!

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