Classic Shell: Recover the Up Button and Title Bar Icons in Windows Explorer by Britec

HomeOther ContentClassic Shell: Recover the Up Button and Title Bar Icons in Windows Explorer by Britec
Classic Shell: Recover the Up Button and Title Bar Icons in Windows Explorer by Britec
Classic Shell: Recover the Up Button and Title Bar Icons in Windows Explorer by Britec
Classic Shell: Recover the "Top/" button and title bar icons in Windows Explorer by Britec
Almost all Windows Vista and 7 users complain about the missing "Up" button and title bar text in the Windows Explorer toolbar.
/"Classic Shell/" can also bring back the good old /"Up/" button and title bar text and icon in Windows Explorer

* Shows title bar text and icon
* Disable address bar breadcrumbs
* Adds /"Up/" button to Explorer title bar
* New toolbar icons to match Vista and 7
* New skins for the classic Start menu
* Brings back file size functionality to the status bar

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