Combat MFA Fatigue Attacks: Protect Your Business with Stronger Authentication Methods

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Combat MFA Fatigue Attacks: Protect Your Business with Stronger Authentication Methods
Combat MFA Fatigue Attacks: Protect Your Business with Stronger Authentication Methods
Now we all know how multi-factor authentication (MFA) works. You get a notification, you tap Allow, your account is secure, right? But over time, doesn't this notification become a little annoying? After all, it's only human to prefer convenience over extra steps.
This is exactly what cybercriminals are counting on. An MFA fatigue attack bombards you with authentication requests. This simple scheme relies on inadvertently confirming one of these fraudulent connections. Once criminals arrive, they often deploy ransomware to derail your business and secure a large payout. The prevalence of simple push notifications to authenticate connections has led to a sharp increase in these attacks.
Consider more in-depth MFA methods, such as SMS or verification code, which limit the risk of fatigue attacks. And as always, stay subscribed to Novatech for more cybersecurity tips.
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