Correct Your POOR POSTURE in 15 Minutes Pain Relief and Posture Correction Exercises Saurabh Bothra

HomeOther ContentCorrect Your POOR POSTURE in 15 Minutes Pain Relief and Posture Correction Exercises Saurabh Bothra
Correct Your POOR POSTURE in 15 Minutes Pain Relief and Posture Correction Exercises Saurabh Bothra
Correct Your POOR POSTURE in 15 Minutes Pain Relief and Posture Correction Exercises Saurabh Bothra
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00h00 – Bad posture
01:03 – Mobility exercise 1
03:20 – Mobility exercise 2
04:52 – Mobility exercise 3
07:28 – Why is consistency important?
08:02 – Strengthening exercise 1
11:06 a.m. – Strengthening exercise 2
11:56 a.m. – Bonus exercise

#pain relief #posture exercises #bad posture
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Are you tired of feeling discomfort due to poor posture? Say goodbye to bad posture and hello to an upright, confident posture! In this video, I reveal a series of basic exercises designed to correct your posture and improve your overall alignment. From simple stretches to targeted strength-building movements, I'll guide you through a step-by-step routine to help you stand tall and feel great. Additionally, this video will help you relieve neck, shoulder and back pain. So, watch the full video and join us on this posture correction follow-up video to unlock the power of perfect posture today!

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About the host

Saurabh Bothra is a government certified yoga trainer, an IIT-ian and a co-founder of HaBuild. Its mission is to inspire healthier living, using the transformative power of yoga and habit creation. Through this channel, we aim to reveal the most important health secrets in an easy-to-implement way that will help you stick to your habits and eventually achieve your fitness goals.

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All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only, specifically designed to educate, inspire and motivate. It is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Before engaging in physical activity or implementing new habits, we strongly recommend that you consult a qualified healthcare professional or certified yoga teacher, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries.

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