Create a portable version of any app in Windows 11 #create portable apps

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Create a portable version of any app in Windows 11 #create portable apps
Create a portable version of any app in Windows 11 #create portable apps
In this video, My ITfriend shows you how to create a portable version of any application in Windows 11

The easiest way to create a portable version of an application is to do so using WinRAR. You can do it if you follow these steps:

Install the application you want to make portable on your computer if you haven't already done so.

Download and install WinRAR on your computer if you don't already have it. You can get the latest version from the official WinRAR website.

Once the application and WinRAR are installed, create a new folder on your desktop or any other desired location. This folder will be used to store the portable version of the application.

Open the folder where the application is installed. This is usually located in the /"Program Files/" or /"Program Files (x86)/" directory on your system drive (usually C:).

Find the folder or directory containing the application files. It often has the same name as the application itself.

Right-click the application folder and select /"Add to Archive/" from the context menu. This will open the WinRAR application.

In the WinRAR window, you will see several options. Make sure the /"Archive format/" is set to /"ZIP/" and the /"Compression method/" is set to /"Best./" You can also set a name for the application portable by modifying the /"Archive field name/".

In the /"General/" tab, make sure that the /"Create solid archive/" and /"Create SFX archive/" options are checked.

Click the /"Advanced/" tab and click the /"SFX Options/" button. This will open a new window with additional options.

In the /"General/" tab of the SFX options window, set the /"Extract Path/" field to /"./" (dot-backslash without quotes). This will extract the portable application to the current directory when executed.

In the /"Modes/" tab you can configure additional options such as displaying a license agreement or a ripping progress window. Adjust these options according to your preferences.

Once you have configured the necessary options, click the /"OK/" button in the SFX options window, then click the /"OK/" button in the WinRAR window.

WinRAR will create a new archive file with the extension /".zip/" in the same directory as the application folder. This archive contains the portable version of the application.

Move the created archive file to the folder you created in step 3. You can rename the archive file to a more meaningful name if you wish.

To use the portable version of the application on another computer, simply extract the contents of the archive by double-clicking on them. The app files will be extracted to a new folder and you can run the app directly from there.

Note: Creating a portable version of an application using WinRAR may not work for all applications, especially those that have complex installation processes or require registry entries. Some applications may require additional steps or modifications to function properly in a portable format.


Music: YouTube

Please see: /"Convert all measurement data with MS Excel formula /"
#create portable apps
#create portable apps

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