Create a VM using PowerShell

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Create a VM using PowerShell
Create a VM using PowerShell
We will follow the steps in this Microsoft document to create a Windows virtual machine using PowerShell.

New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Location 'EastUS'

-ResourceGroupName 'myResourceGroup'
-Name 'myVM'
-Location “Eastern United States”
-VirtualNetworkName 'myVnet'
-Subnet name 'mySubnet'
-SecurityGroupName 'myNetworkSecurityGroup'
-PublicIpAddressName 'myPublicIpAddress'
-OpenPorts 80.3389

Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName 'myResourceGroup' Select-Object -Property 'IpAddress'

mstsc /v:publicIpaddress

Install-WindowsFeature -Web Server Name -IncludeManagementTools

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup

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