Create an email delivery or group contact for iOS Mail

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Create an email delivery or group contact for iOS Mail
Create an email delivery or group contact for iOS Mail
In this video, I'll show you my workaround for creating an email delivery or group list for iOS Mail.

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Hello everyone! This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video I'm going to show you my workaround for creating an email delivery or group list for iOS Mail.

As I've said in other videos, iOS Mail is a really basic app. I haven't found a better option yet, but it requires a few hacks and workarounds to get close to a full-service email app. Here's a missing feature that's been bothering me for years: There's no way to add an email group to Contacts so you can regularly send emails to the same group of people. I'm sure you can immediately think of examples in your life, but two of mine are an email group I send photos to once a month and an email group for a discussion series I lead. Since I can't create a group of emails, I either have to add each person individually to the email, which is error prone and annoying, OR I have to go through the emails, finding one that I already sent to this group, forward it. , then delete the old subject and text from the email. These two options are a bit complicated.

I recently found a workaround. Here's what you do:
First, go to your Contacts app and create a new contact. Name it something you will remember for your group. I'm going to call this a test group email.
Okay, now here where it says email, we're going to insert a string of email addresses separated by commas. The grammar rule is: name a space less than the sign of the email address, then greater than the sign, then repeat for the next person.
You're welcome to enter all of this, but again, I've found a slightly simpler way. Go back and find an email you've already sent to this group and forward it. See it here in the body of the email? All the email addresses are already in the correct format, so just select them, copy them and then paste them into the contact. Now save this contact.
Okay, we're not quite done. You cannot use this contact normally. In other words, if you open a new email and choose Test Group Email, it will only show the very first email you have in the group. This is obviously not what you want.
Instead, you have to open the contact from the app and tap the Mail button. If you do it this way, it includes all the email addresses in your email. You can also do this from the search bar. Like this: Find Test Group Email, tap the contact and tap Mail to create a new email message. So !

It may take a little time to remember to use this workaround, but it will ultimately save you time. Let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated and thanks for watching!

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