Deep Sleep Music 24/7 528 Hz, Miracle Healing Frequency, Meditation Music for Deep Sleep

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Deep Sleep Music 24/7 528 Hz, Miracle Healing Frequency, Meditation Music for Deep Sleep
Deep Sleep Music 24/7 528 Hz, Miracle Healing Frequency, Meditation Music for Deep Sleep
Sleep allows your soul to travel out of your body and come “home” to recharge, cleanse, and bring pure cosmic life force back into your body. As well as bringing more balance, clarity and alignment to your day ahead. May these tones and frequencies nourish your body, mind and soul – and lull you into the deepest, rejuvenating and restorative sleep, yet.

Need music for your projects?
If you are looking for high quality healing meditation music with a license – for use on your professional projects (YouTube, apps, etc.) – then we highly recommend checking out this website: https://www. highermind

Delta binaural beats
Deep relaxation of body and mind (as in REM sleep)
Revitalize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Aura
Improves inner peace and balance
Release of anti-aging hormones
Reduce cortisol (stress hormone associated with illness)
Deep happiness can be experienced in delta meditations
Healing physical injuries
Restore and invigorate prana (vital energy)
Strengthen the immune system
A deeper connection with yourself
Sharpens intuition
Release of human growth hormone (bone, muscle and body growth)

Music theory frequency 396 Hz
A very grounding, cleansing and balancing frequency. Very powerful in the process of cleansing fear, helplessness, sadness, anxiety and worry. It is ideal for developing and maintaining physical energy and vitality, as well as encouraging a sense of security, no matter what is happening in the outside world. It's about finding that place of peace, safety and power within – no – regardless of the circumstances around you. Building confidence. Strengthen problem-solving skills. Increase energy levels. Strengthen the sense of belonging and importance in the world – feeling important and valuable; to feel love for oneself through thick and thin; connected and grounded to Mother Earth and your earthly purpose. Staying grounded in this frequency dissolves fear, anxiety, helplessness and victim mentality. This frequency is also associated with the root chakra, the color red and the musical note C.

Music 528 Hz
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528 Hz allows us to connect to the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence and our soul. This creates unity instead of separation. It broadens our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is certain. A person who resonates with love has inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in unity, peace and harmony with each other and with Mother Earth.

Healing Sleep Tones
Please know that you are valued and always welcome here. We are here to be of service to you and our world by sharing healing sleep music loaded with loving intentions, healing frequencies, binaural beats; Support your body and brain to activate your innate capacity and plan for natural, healthy, healing sleep habits now. When sleep is natural and automatic, life is easier. The positive ripple effect is enormous. We care about you. We don't need to know you to care. We are here on this journey together.

Sleep allows your soul to travel out of your body and come “home” to recharge, cleanse, and bring pure cosmic life force back into your body. As well as bringing more balance, clarity and alignment to your day ahead.

May these tones and frequencies nourish your body, mind and soul – and lull you into the deepest, rejuvenating and restorative sleep, yet.

Infinite Peace and Love for you.

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