Disable automatic restarts after Windows Updates for Windows 10 and 11 Home and Pro

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Disable automatic restarts after Windows Updates for Windows 10 and 11 Home and Pro
Disable automatic restarts after Windows Updates for Windows 10 and 11 Home and Pro
Windows 10 and 11 will automatically update your computer as needed, then restart it on its own to complete the update process. If you leave your computer on, it will restart it whether you want it to or not, usually in the middle of the night when you're not using it. If you want to prevent these automatic restarts, you can use a quick registry edit for Windows Home edition or Group Policy Editor for Windows Pro.

Here are the steps in the video.


Open the Registry Editor

Go to Computer//HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE//SOFTWARE//Policies//Microsoft//Windows

Add a new key called WindowsUpdate to the Windows key

Add a new key to the WindowsUpdate key called AU

Create a new DWORD (32-bit) value in AU called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers

Double-click NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and change the value to 1


Go to Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Update (Windows 10)

Go to Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Windows Update – Legacy Policies (Windows 11)

Enable No automatic restarts with logged in users for scheduled automatic updates

Run gpupdate /force from the command line

Check out our book called Windows 11 Made Easy to take your Windows skills to the next level!


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