Disable/Uninstall Windows Media Player on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (07/17/2023 Updated)

HomeOther ContentDisable/Uninstall Windows Media Player on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (07/17/2023 Updated)
Disable/Uninstall Windows Media Player on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (07/17/2023 Updated)
Disable/Uninstall Windows Media Player on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (07/17/2023 Updated)
This video explains how to (disable) uninstall Windows Media Player manually. Please TRY this PRO uninstaller@ https://macpaw.audw.net/c/376211/154407/1733 if you have difficulty doing so.

I. Below is an example batch file script that can disable Windows Media Player on Windows:

@Echo off
rem Turn off Windows Media Player

reg add /"HKLM//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WindowsMediaPlayer/" /v /"GroupPrivacyAcceptance/" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

rem Prevent access to the Windows Media Player application
reg add /"HKCU//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WindowsMediaPlayer/" /v /"DisableMediaPlayer/" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

rem Disable Windows Media Player startup and services
reg add /"HKLM//Software//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//Policies//Explorer/" /v /"NoWindowsMediaPlayer/" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

reg add /"HKLM//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WMDRM/" /v /"DisableOnline/" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

sc config /"WMPNetworkSvc/" startup disabled
dead stop WMPNetworkSvc
sc config /"Wmspndrv/" startup disabled

echo Windows Media Player has been disabled. Please restart your computer.


To re-enable, simply change the /d values to 0 and restart the computer. This will disable the media player while keeping the files intact.

ii. Below is an example batch script to uninstall Windows Media Player on Windows:

@Echo off

rem Stop and disable WMP services
dead stop WMPNetworkSvc
sc config WMPNetworkSvc startup disabled

dead stop wuauserv
sc config wuauserv start disabled

rem Unregister WMP DLLs
regsvr32 /u wmp.dll
regsvr32 /u wmpdxm.dll
regsvr32 /u mp4sds32.dll

rem Delete WMP network shares
WMP9 net share / remove
WMP11 net share / remove

rem Delete WMP registry keys
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Microsoft//Active Setup//Installed components//{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Classes//TypeLib//{BC17E618-35C7-46a0-A9A2-56DC633B7426}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Classes//TypeLib//{297EAE68-C359-48A8-B2D7-5BD87D847925}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Classes//TypeLib//{69FDFBB6-351D-4B8C-89D8-867DC9D0A2A4}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Classes//TypeLib//{4F216970-C90C-11D1-BC43-00A0C913304F}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Classes//TypeLib//{56C049BE-7960-4DD4-B4F1-FA9E0807E115}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Microsoft//Active Setup//Installed components//{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Microsoft//Active Setup//Installed components//{44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015F}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WMDRM/" /f
reg delete /"HKCU//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WindowsMediaPlayer/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//Group Policy Objects//{4C7B351E-B017-4F23-9A1A-9CB19EBE7CE5}//User//Software//Policies//Microsoft//WindowsMediaPlayer /" /F
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Wow6432Node//Classes//CLSID//{27360ED4-D081-4584-B6B5-AE71CE5F8D46}/" /f
reg delete /"HKLM//Software//Wow6432Node//Classes//CLSID//{27360ED5-D081-4584-B6B5-AE71CE5F8D46}/" /f
reg delete /"HKCR//AppID//{27360ED5-D081-4584-B6B5-AE71CE5F8D46}/" /f

rem Remove Windows Media Player
MsiExec.exe /X{0EF3FBF8-ABF1-45B9-95E8-6B45D3C6DC13}

echo Windows Media Player has been uninstalled. Please restart your computer.


This will clean uninstall WMP by stopping services, deleting registry keys, and finally calling msiexec to remove the program itself. Restart required.

iii. Here is a list of common Windows Media Player issues and potential fixes:

– Does not open or crashes on launch – Run SFC /scannow to check for system file errors. Reinstall Windows Media Player.
– Music does not play – Check file format compatibility. Update the codecs. Enable required audio services.
– Videos are not played. – Update graphics drivers. Enable the hardware acceleration option. A codec pack may be required.
– Media streaming issues – Check firewall settings. Enable the media streaming setting. Open the required ports.
– Sync errors with devices – Reset sync partnerships. Update software on device and PC. Check for DRM issues.
– Unable to burn CD/DVDs. – Clean the reader lens. Reinstall the burning plugins. Check that the disk is not full. Update the player firmware.
– Unable to extract music – Disable DRM. Check file permissions. Updated to the latest WMP. Codec problem.
– Library is not updating – Run the maintenance troubleshooter. Check the watched folders. Scan the library again and move the missing files.
– Missing metadata – Download the metadata editor to clean and fill in missing data.
– Slow performance – Increase system resources. Close other programs. Turn off visualizations.
– Corrupt Library – Delete WMP database files to rebuild library from scratch.
– High CPU or memory usage – Disable media guide and skins. Reduced bandwidth usage.
– Crashes/errors when logging in Windows – Unregister WMP DLLs. Rebuild the library.

Learn more @ https://www.youtube.com/c/ITGuides/search?queryWindows.

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