DO NOT serve unoptimized images – Webp, Srcset, ImageKit and more!

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DO NOT serve unoptimized images - Webp, Srcset, ImageKit and more!
DO NOT serve unoptimized images – Webp, Srcset, ImageKit and more!
Unoptimized images lead to poor user experience. Don't make the mistake of serving up massive images, which leads to longer load times and frustrated users and customers.

In this video, we'll cover some ways to optimize your images for the web. You can start by using something like to compress your images. Then you can take it to the next level with ImageKit.

ImageKit can dynamically create multiple different sizes of your images. When you combine this with the srcset property in HTML, you can still display the correct size based on the user's screen size and pixel density. It can also determine the optimal image format to send to the user based on the browser.

ImageKit documentation:
ImageKit blogs on resizing:
Srcset with Kevin Powell –


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