Easy Fix – Google Chrome Not Working – Windows 7

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Easy Fix - Google Chrome Not Working - Windows 7
Easy Fix – Google Chrome Not Working – Windows 7
If the method above in the video does not work, you may need to
replace /"chrome/" with its /"default/" settings.

To return Chrome to default settings, copy and paste the line below into the /"Windows Explorers/" search bar.
%USERPROFILE%//AppData//Local//Google//Chrome//User data
Then rename the folder /"Default/" to /"DefaultOld/"

If you are still having problems, uninstall Chrome and delete any remaining files. Then download the latest version of Chrome and reinstall it. Use /"Internet explorer/" in the meantime.

Restore registry settings in user profile
1. Click Start, click Run, type Regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.

2. Locate the following subkey:

3. On the File menu, click Export.

4. In the Export Registry File dialog box, enter HKCU_Classes_HTML_Backup.reg and click Save.
Note: This will create a backup of this registry key in the My Documents folder by default.

5. Right-click the (default) value of the .html key and select Edit…
6. Change the value of /"ChromeHTML/" to /"htmlfile/"

Remove the ChromeHTML handler (optional)
1. Locate the following subkey: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT//ChromeHTML
2. On the File menu, click Export.
3. In the Export Registry File dialog box, enter HKCR_ChromeHTML_Backup.reg and click Save.
Note: This will create a backup of this registry key in the My Documents folder by default.
4. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the registry key. When prompted to delete the registry key through the Confirm Key Deletion dialog box, click Yes.

Delete temporary files from the Application Data directory (optional)
1. Click Start, click Run, type /"cmd/" in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. In Command Prompt, type /"echo %APPDATA%/" followed by Enter. This will return the path to the user's Application Data directory.
Example: ////Server//Users//demouser//Application data
3. Navigate to the %APPDATA%//Google folder and delete the Chrome subfolder.

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