Easy Fix: iPhone and iPad Not Charging Loose Lightning Charging Connector Port

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Easy Fix: iPhone and iPad Not Charging Loose Lightning Charging Connector Port
Easy Fix: iPhone and iPad Not Charging Loose Lightning Charging Connector Port

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NOTE: I have found that clear packing tape works better than electrical tape because it is a little thinner. And the tape measurements don't need to be precise as long as it's not too wide to fit in the slot. Finally, after about six months, the tape fell out. I only noticed it because my iPad stopped charging again. I just put a new piece of tape on and it's good as new.

NOTE 2: If a single layer of tape does not work, try adding a second layer. I had to use two layers of packing tape on my iPad 2. Now it charges perfectly!

Does your charger cut out when you try to charge your iPhone or iPad? This video will show you how to fix it!

Having a problem charging your iPad or iPhone with the Lightning connector? The Lightning connector is the one used on the most recent iPhones, starting with the iPhone 5 and fourth generation iPads up to current models. Does the charging activity start and stop when you wiggle the wire, indicating the connection is a little loose? If so, this video provides a free and easy-to-implement solution.

First, especially with iPhones that spend a lot of time in fuzzy pockets or purses, make sure there's no lint or dirt inside the little hole where you plug the loading wire. Try blowing into the hole or very gently fishing around inside with a toothpick or plastic tie to remove any collected foreign material. You can also inspect the hole with a flashlight and a sturdy pair of glasses or a magnifying glass to see if it is free of dirt or obstructions.

If this first step didn't solve your problem – and didn't solve mine – here's what to do. We're going to make the connection a little tighter by inserting a small piece of tape into the hole in the female Lightning charging connector on your iPad or iPhone to make it a little tighter. I used electrical tape but you can try another type. Scotch tape or thin transparent tape can work just as well.

Remove the case if you have one on your device. Cut a small rectangular piece of ribbon about half an inch or one and a quarter centimeters long and a little less than a quarter of an inch – about half a centimeter – wide. It should be narrow enough to slide into the cargo slot without hitting the sides. With your device face down on the edge of a table with the charging port facing you, place the tape sticky side down lengthwise into the hole about a quarter inch. Wrap the remaining quarter inch of tape outside the hole around the curved edge of your device toward the screen. Use either the Lightning connector or a small paperclip or something similar to press the tape inside the hole so that it sticks to the screen side of the charging jack. Next, gently insert the Lightning connector all the way in to make sure it's snug but not too snug and also make sure that when you insert it, the ribbon isn't pulled all the way inside and doesn't not group.

My iPad now charges completely without interruptions or interruptions every time. I hope this video solved your problem too! Please note: if you click on an affiliate link, I sometimes earn a few cents. THANKS!

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