Etcher – Burn images to SD cards and USB drives, securely and easily

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Etcher - Burn images to SD cards and USB drives, securely and easily
Etcher – Burn images to SD cards and USB drives, securely and easily
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Some of Etcher's features include / "Validated burning, no more writing images to corrupted cards and wondering why your device won't boot. Hard Drive Friendly, makes drive selection obvious to avoid wiping the 's entire hard drive Beautiful interface, ho said burning SD cards must be a horror Open Source, made with JS, HTML, node.js and Electron Dive in and contribute to Cross Platform, works for all. world, no more complicated installation instructions, 50% faster burns, simultaneous writing for multiple drives.

/"At we have thousands of users working on our startup process and until recently we were bothered by steps that involved burning an SD card. There was a separate track for every Mac/Windows/Linux and several manuals and error-prone steps along the way.

/"To our surprise, nothing met our needs. So we created Etcher, an SD card burning application that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform./" from the website.

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