Everything – The Best Windows Search (Showcase)

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Everything - The Best Windows Search (Showcase)
Everything – The Best Windows Search (Showcase)
A short introductory video about Tool Everything. This tool offers many great ways to search for files in Windows. This video uses software version 1.4.1.
Guide to setting everything up: https://youtu.be/4xh5hsgJWRc
Link to software: https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/
Link to Alpha with content filtering: https://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f12&t9787
Link to all possible search terms: https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/searching/

I've always had trouble finding certain files in my vast array of folders and documents where sometimes I vaguely remember the name of a file and that I have it somewhere but I don't really know where I I put it on. Especially after setting up Unraid and putting most of my files on network drives, Windows Search no longer worked for me. After some research, I found this tool. And since then, there hasn't been a day without it 🙂

Changing information:
– In this video, I finally found the /"Loudness equalizer/" option in Premiere. I hope that with this I can maintain a similar volume level in all recordings and videos in the future.
– This video was the most heavily edited and complex video to date. But as I'm starting to get more used to the first one, the total editing time wasn't as long as the last one.
– I used the built-in timestamp function. It's not perfect and quite restrictive but I think for what I wanted to show it worked very well.
– I found the group to copy feature in Premiere. This will help me ensure that all project-related files will be in one place and will also work in a few years if I ever need to re-upload some of my videos and want to add edits. In my last project I had used a red arrow which was just a copy and paste into Premiere and as such was actually saved in a /"temp/" folder. After restarting the computer, this arrow was gone and this asset was missing on the next launch. Very frustrating. So now when I finish a project, I gather all the files and copy the entire project folder to a /"Done/" area on my drives for long term storage.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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