Excel VBA macro: delete rows based on cell value (zeros and spaces)

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Excel VBA macro: delete rows based on cell value (zeros and spaces)
Excel VBA macro: delete rows based on cell value (zeros and spaces)
Excel VBA macro: delete rows based on cell value (zeros and spaces). We create a macro that deletes rows based on the value of the cell with specific text. If you ever need to delete all the rows containing a specific value in an Excel worksheet, you can use this code to delete these rows.

In this example, we remove lines containing zeros and specifically remove blank lines. The code searches for a specific value in a designated column, then deletes that entire row if it contains the value you want to delete. The macro counts the total number of rows in the data set, then iterates through each row looking for the specific value in order to remove the entire row, until it reaches the bottom of the range.

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Under delete_zeros()

Dim counts as long
Decrease me as long

count ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, /"A/").End(xlUp).Row
'number of message boxes

I 1

Do while I count

If Cells(i, 7) 0 Then


End if

ii 1
count ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, /"A/").End(xlUp).Row


End of the submarine

#ExcelVBA #ExcelMacro

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