Fertility Diet: 7 Science-Based Diet Tips for TTC

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Fertility Diet: 7 Science-Based Diet Tips for TTC
Fertility Diet: 7 Science-Based Diet Tips for TTC
What Fertility Diet Tips Actually Work? Which fertility diet prevents endometriosis? Or does it help count sperm? Dr. Randy Morris MD – THE BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly advice from TTC on InfertilityTV

Fertility diets: reality or fiction? In today's episode, we'll discuss whether fruits, vegetables, fast food, seafood, trans fats, and carbs can help or harm your fertility. Stay tuned until the end for my specific dietary recommendations. (more below)

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First of all, make no mistake. There are many different types of diets to treat various medical problems. A diet aimed at lowering cholesterol, for example, will not necessarily help your fertility.
Second, if you are overweight, ANY type of diet that will help you lose weight will improve your fertility. Let’s get into some details.

Fruits and Vegetables — A new study found that women who eat fast food and little or no fruit take longer to get pregnant. For women who ate the least fruit, the risk of infertility increased from 8% to 12%, and among those who ate fast food four or more times per week, the risk of infertility doubled from 8% to 16%. %.

Fast food included burgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips purchased from takeaway or fast food outlets. These results were true regardless of the woman's weight (BMI).

The Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment (LIFE) study of 501 couples planning a pregnancy shows that couples who ate two or more servings of seafood each week had more sex and got pregnant faster than those who ate seafood less often. After 1 year, 92% of couples with a diet rich in seafood had conceived, compared to 79% of couples with a diet containing less fish and shellfish.

Another study found that a diet high in trans fats was 48% more likely to develop endometriosis than those who consumed the least. However, women eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in oily fish, appeared to protect against the disease, as these women had a 22% reduced risk of developing endometriosis.

A survey of women with and without ovulation problems found that women with ovulation problems were more likely to eat low-fat dairy products, refined carbohydrates, get their protein from health products. of animal origin and consuming trans fats. So if you have a problem with ovulation, avoid these things.

A typical Mediterranean diet contains a large amount of vegetables, fruits, olive oil, beans and grains, moderate amounts of fish, dairy products and wine, and only a small amount of red meat and poultry. A study in Greece of nearly 250 women found that those who followed this diet the most had 66% higher pregnancy rates during IVF.

Men who follow the Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI guidelines) (a diet high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products and a relatively low intake of refined grains, saturated fatty acids, and added sugars ) showed significantly better results. for concentration, total sperm count and percentage of normal sperm morphology compared to men who did not follow such a diet.

So to put it all together. My recommendations for a fertility diet. It seems reasonable to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Seafood at least twice a week. Stay away from fast foods and foods high in trans fats. If you have a problem with ovulation, try switching from low-fat dairy products to high-fat dairy products. Get more protein from plant sources than animal sources. Replace your current vegetable oil with extra virgin olive oil. The Mediterranean diet already takes into account most of these recommendations. If you follow this diet closely, you should maximize your fertility.

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