Find all your competitors' keywords in seconds

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Find all your competitors' keywords in seconds
Find all your competitors' keywords in seconds
Rank number 1 on Google for FREE. Don't want to pay for expensive SEO keyword tools? This video is for you. This ChatGPT SEO video will show you 3 ways to extract your competitors' keyword without doing extensive research or paying for expensive SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush.

Free Ways to Spy on Your Competitors' SEO – Get the most out of your competitors' SEO by using a few tips from ChatGPT as well as traditional SEO tricks. This isn't necessarily an AI SEO video, but rather a way to find winning keywords and create your own content in that niche.

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The first, and probably best way to spy on your competitors is to find their sitemap.

Finding a sitemap is quite simple. The first thing to try is – most WordPress and Shopify websites use this URL, so it's quite easy to find. However, people sometimes use different URLs

The second way to try to find your competitor's sitemap is to go to Google and type in the text: "sitemap", or in the title: "sitemap" .

If that doesn't work, unfortunately it's harder to find their sitemap, and sometimes it's easier to move on to the next method.

Use search operators

If you want to gather information about your competitors, first determine their URL structure. For example, if you just want their blog posts, do: inurl:/blog/ – if their blog posts contain /blog/, this is a quick and easy way to spy on them.

You can also do this with collections/products/categories. Google usually displays the highest ranking pages first, so this can be a good way to steal keywords from your competitors.

You should use a bookmarklet to easily take your competitors' page titles and then use Harpa AI to extract the keywords.

The latest and greatest way

Probably the best way to do this is to pay for the SEMrush free trial. While this isn't ideal because it requires a payment method, sometimes you need to sign up for a free trial to get the best results.

During these 7 days you should download as much information as possible. It's extremely simple, as you can simply export any pages you want from SEMrush. This is by far the best free method, but I didn't include it at the top because it requires a payment method.

What to do once you have this information

If we stick to the free ways to find competitors, we can do the following:

Search for a page using the method above
Use Harpa AI to pick up article keywords
Put these keywords into Google Ads Keyword Planner, or Ahrefs keyword generator, or
Write the article yourself and file it.
This can easily check the keyword for you and you can see if the article is worth writing for you personally.

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