FIVE TIPS to prevent your laptop from overheating

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FIVE TIPS to prevent your laptop from overheating
FIVE TIPS to prevent your laptop from overheating
Christi reviews five quick tips to keep your laptop from overheating.

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Laptops are invaluable machines that allow you to take the office with you, without having to lug around a massive desktop computer. What's also really helpful is that most new laptops have the same power as desktops, but in a much smaller package. There's a price to pay, though: cram enough components into a small space and they'll generate heat. Much heat. Excessive temperatures are not good for laptops and should be corrected.

Here are five tips for reducing the heat generated by your laptop:

Keep it away from heat and sunlight – Laptops are designed to operate within a set temperature range (usually between 30 and 55 degrees Celsius or 86 and 131 degrees Fahrenheit). If the ambient temperature is high, the operating temperature of the laptop will be higher, which will significantly increase component wear and the chance of your device overheating. It is best to keep your laptop in a cooler room and out of direct sunlight. If this is not possible, turn off your computer when not in use.

Place your laptop on your desk, not on the couch – These rubber pieces in the corners under your laptop are like tiny feet, they are meant to provide enough space for air to circulate under the device and cools it. You will notice that if you place your laptop on a fabric surface like a sofa or table with a tablecloth, the underneath becomes very hot. To avoid this, it is best to keep your laptop on a solid, flat surface.

Don't use your laptop on your lap – Despite their name, laptops are not the best thing to use on your lap. There have been incidents in the past where laptops overheated and burned users. This happens because air cannot circulate underneath the laptop and carry away heat. So it is better to keep your laptop on a flat surface rather than on your lap.

Invest in a Cooling Pad or Laptop – If you find that the bottom of your laptop is getting hot even on a desk, you may want to look for a cooling pad. Your laptop sits on top of this device, which plugs into your USB port, while the fans cool your machine by circulating air. If you feel comfortable with your laptop on your lap, look for a laptop that has a flat surface for it to sit on.

Remove dust from the machine – Dust is one of the worst enemies of your laptop. It often builds up in nooks and crannies and, over time, can cause components to stop working. One place where you will often find a lot of dust is on the cooling fan blades. If it builds up, your fans won't be able to spin and cool your laptop. To find out if your fans are affected by dust: place your hand near the fan vents and run a power-intensive program, or watch an HD movie. If you feel a steady stream of warm air coming out, you're fine. If you don't feel anything, it might be time to clean your fan.

With many laptops, you won't be able to access the fan without opening the case. It is important to remember that many manufacturers have a clause that if you open the case the warranty is voided. If your machine is still under warranty, take it to a dealer to clean it. Additionally, if you're not sure what you're doing when you open the case, it's best to let professionals clean your computer.

It's good to remember that laptops will always be hot when you use them, and more power-hungry programs will make them heat up even more. If you don't take steps to manage heat, you could see a decrease in component and battery life, as well as an increase in random shutdowns. If your laptop shuts down or starts beeping, it's a good indication that the components are overheating. You should give your computer at least half an hour to cool down before restarting.

Typically, not taking care of your laptop means you'll have to replace it sooner, which is an added expense that many businesses can't afford in today's economic climate. If you notice that your laptop is no longer working as it used to and seems to be getting hotter and hotter, don't buy a new one. Call us instead, because we may have an interesting solution to offer you.

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