Fix for any laptop that won't turn on, especially Thinkpad Lenovo x1 Carbon

HomeOther ContentFix for any laptop that won't turn on, especially Thinkpad Lenovo x1 Carbon
Fix for any laptop that won't turn on, especially Thinkpad Lenovo x1 Carbon
Fix for any laptop that won't turn on, especially Thinkpad Lenovo x1 Carbon
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A quick and easy way to turn on a laptop that won't turn on. My laptop does this to me every few days and at first it perplexed me.

Power problem

The screen does not turn on and needs to be powered off and the battery disconnected, then drain the remaining power with a CMOS reset.

Unscrew the 7 screws underneath and pull the keyboard up, it will come off and you can access the battery, be careful.

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