Fix iPad 2 “not charging” when connected to PC USB (also charge your other Apple devices faster)

HomeOther ContentFix iPad 2 “not charging” when connected to PC USB (also charge your other Apple devices faster)
Fix iPad 2 “not charging” when connected to PC USB (also charge your other Apple devices faster)
Fix iPad 2 “not charging” when connected to PC USB (also charge your other Apple devices faster)

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Fix Ipad and Ipad 2 error / “Not charging /” when connected to PC USB port. Asus Ai Charger DL LINK: This fixed my problem on my Dell, and it works great, it works on many computers and many motherboards. I don't guarantee this will help you, but it has helped many people and it usually works. This will also charge your other USB devices twice as fast, as it will double your amps from 500mA to 1 amp. Good luck!

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