Fix “Waiting for background programs to close” in Windows 7 (Solved)

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Fix “Waiting for background programs to close” in Windows 7 (Solved)
Fix “Waiting for background programs to close” in Windows 7 (Solved)
Fix “Waiting for background programs to close” in Windows 7 (Solved)
To resolve this issue, here are three methods:
1. Disable all programs that run automatically when Windows starts. To do this, type in the search box “msconfig” – open it and go to the fourth tab “Startup” – uncheck the programs you do not want to run when Windows starts. Click “Apply” and “OK”. Now reboot to apply the changes.
2. Open the registry files by typing in the search box “regedit”. Go through here:
HKEY_USERS//.DEFAULT//Control Panel//Desktop.
On the right side, locate the file named “AutoEndTask”. If you can't find it, right-click on the empty area – choose new – Sting – Name the file “AutoEndTask”. Right-click on it and set its value to 1.
3. Open the registry files by typing in the search box “regedit”. Go through here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control.
Click on the “Control” folder. Select “WaitToKillServiceTimeout”. Right-click on it and select Edit. Set the value to something less than 4 digits (say 5000). This will make your PC shut down faster, but you might end up losing data, so use this setting wisely.
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