Fix Windows Security not working in Windows 11 Repair Windows Security Settings

HomeOther ContentFix Windows Security not working in Windows 11 Repair Windows Security Settings
Fix Windows Security not working in Windows 11 Repair Windows Security Settings
Fix Windows Security not working in Windows 11 Repair Windows Security Settings
If Windows Security or Defender is not working in the latest version of Windows 11, you can quickly fix the problem. This is a common problem you might encounter after updating to Windows 11.
You can try resetting Windows Security app or updating Windows 11.

Steps to Fix “Windows Security Won’t Open” Issue.

1. Enable background permissions.
2. Reset and repair Windows Security application.
3. Reset using PowerShell
4. Windows Update.

The steps above should help you resolve the issue.

Copy. & paste the command below on PowerShell

Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers Reset-AppxPackage

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