[Fixed] Right mouse click not working issue on Windows 11/10

HomeOther Content[Fixed] Right mouse click not working issue on Windows 11/10
[Fixed] Right mouse click not working issue on Windows 11/10
[Fixed] Right mouse click not working issue on Windows 11/10
[Fixed] Right mouse click not working issue in Windows 10.

In Windows 10, you may encounter an issue where right-click does not work (or rather, the context menu does not appear). In some cases, right-clicking the mouse works erratically; sometimes they react and others just stay still.

However, if you take a look at the WinX folder, all the shortcuts in it will work seamlessly when you click on them directly. You can even see the event viewer.

But before moving to the solutions, make sure the mouse is working properly, to do this, plug the mouse into another system (laptop/desktop) and check if the right click is working. For a wireless mouse, replace its batteries then try the solutions mentioned below. Additionally, disable all network drives/cards during the troubleshooting process. It will be a good idea to unplug all USB devices except the mouse. Make sure there is no disc in the CD/DVD ROM. To be sure if the problem is hardware or software related, boot the system into safe mode and check if right-clicking works. If you are using the PC in a corporate environment, check with your IT administrator to see if any Group Policy restricts right-clicking.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
right click does not work Windows 10
right click does not work Windows 11
right click not working on windows 10 laptop
right click does not work in Excel
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computer right click does not work
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right-click context menu not working in Windows 10
right click not working on Dell laptop
right click not working Dell
right click not working on Windows 10 desktop
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Dell Touchpad Right Click Not Working on Windows 10
right click does not work on Excel,
right click not working in Windows 10 File Explorer

Your right click is not working? Without this, none of the context menus can open in Windows. Or, if you are experiencing the problem, it may be limited to the Start Menu, Desktop, or File Explorer.

It could also be a mouse hardware issue, but will likely be caused by corrupted system files, third-party programs, or incompatible drivers.

Are you having trouble right-clicking (or secondary-clicking) with a mouse or touchpad in Windows 10? Since you can't do serious work without accessing context menus, this is a problem that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Sure, you can right-click using your keyboard, but that's not really a practical long-term solution!

Many factors, such as minor bugs, outdated drivers, and incorrect settings, can prevent Windows 10 from registering the right click of your PC's pointing device. However, the list of troubleshooting tips and fixes below should help you fix the issue when right-click not working on Windows 10.

This troubleshooting guide will work on Windows 11 and Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating systems and on desktops, laptops, tables, and PCs manufactured by the following brands: Asus, Dell, HP, MSI , Alienware, MSI, Toshiba, Acer. , Lenovo, Razer, Huawei, Dynabook, Vaio, Surface among others.

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