Force Windows 10 update with wuauclt.exe /updatenow command

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Force Windows 10 update with wuauclt.exe /updatenow command
Force Windows 10 update with wuauclt.exe /updatenow command
For those who have not done this successfully, please check your process as I have done it without issue. Please reread the tutorial and try again

If you don't want to wait for the update wave set by Windows for your computer, you can force Windows to start downloading Windows 10 update files immediately.
Today is July 29, the day Microsoft releases the final version of Windows 10. However, unlike previous versions of Windows, Microsoft is doing a phased rollout of the Windows 10 upgrade, which means that all world will not receive the update on the same day.

But like them, when you want, you can. And so, if you are in the same boat as many others whose Windows 10 upgrade download has not yet automatically started, you can follow the tutorial below to force Windows Update to download the update updated for you now. I personally tested this and can confirm that it worked on my Surface Pro 3. There is no reason why this wouldn't work for any of you on another computer running Windows.

Step 1: Make sure you have reserved your free copy of Windows 10. If you haven't already, you can follow the instructions here to reserve your free Windows 10 upgrade.
Step 2: Run Windows Update and make sure you are set to receive updates automatically.
Step 3: Navigate to the C://Windows//SoftwareDistribution//Download folder and delete everything in it. Don't worry, it won't ruin your system.

Step 4: Now run the Command Prompt utility in Administrator mode. Simply search for “cmd” in the Start menu/screen, right-click, then click run as administrator.

Step 5: Type this command and hit Enter: wuauclt.exe /updatenow.
Step 6: After a few minutes, check for updates in Windows Update. You should now see Windows 10 downloading to your PC. The size of this download varies depending on the version of Windows you are currently using. Download time also varies depending on the type and speed of your Internet connection.
Step 7: Once the download is complete, “Preparing for installation” will start, after which you can install the update.
Once the download is complete, you can follow my video on how to install Windows 10 on your PC

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