Free Government Grants for Individuals and Small Businesses (Top 5 Best)

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Free Government Grants for Individuals and Small Businesses (Top 5 Best)
Free Government Grants for Individuals and Small Businesses (Top 5 Best)
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#5 Get Free Money From Your Congressman
So you know these politicians, they clearly care a lot about you and that's why if you call them they will help you, and it's *definitely* not because they just want you to vote for them, no, they really want to help you. outside…

– low hanging fruit, they know more than anyone what is currently available in terms of opportunities
-You get your answer right away because they want to be re-elected, so you'll get answers right away
-They really will go out of their way to help you and they have a call center on site and spend a lot of money on it because they know it matters and makes a big difference.

They are your go-to source for getting free money from the government and they can help you find new programs or schemes that fit what you are trying to do and the fact is that the government will not spend money on advertising . here why would they spend money to give away free money it doesn't make any sense so you kind of have to do some research here and these are the people who know where everything is. You call them and then they call their secret back office direct number that they have in order to get the information that you need and the reason they do that is because they know that you are likely to vote for them if they help you.

#4 Get experts to analyze your business for free so you can double your sales
-These are high profile consultants who usually charge 10k a day and they will come and assess your business and do half a day completely free and then they will do more for a fraction of the price.
(No scented consultants)
-It says at the very top of the website that they have helped businesses make $16 billion in sales, save $1.7 billion in cost savings, and all kinds of other stats.
-These are just stats that you can measure and they will help you a lot and the value you can get from these guys is invaluable.

#3 Up to 250,000 to train yourself or your employees

If you have a larger company with multiple employees, you can get even more money, up to $250,000, to train them, let's say you want to train them in customer service. Let's say you want to learn a programming language, they will also pay for that and the reason they do it is because they want to train people to be better and more educated so that the United States can compete with other countries in the world, it's important that we have a group of truly educated people so that we can compete with every other country in the world and not let China melt us down like a noob.

So go to this website and it will make it easy for you to access the website and then contact the person you need to get the money.

#2 Government contract instead of a grant
Getting government contracts can be even better than getting grants because the same amount of work it would take to get a $10,000 grant you could potentially get a $500,000 government contract and remember that the government buys more things than any organization in the world.

Over a third of our economy is spent on government purchases, they buy just about anything you can think of while consulting, even if you are an artist you can join clubs on military bases, or let's say you create things you can get a contract to do that with the government and like I said they spend more money than anyone else it's easy and guaranteed money and once you got a contract, it's much easier to get another one.

SBDC Office #1

This one is number one on the list and I put it as number one for a reason because it's pretty awesome and has helped more people than you can imagine. If you only do one thing on the list, it should be this if you're starting a business.

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