Generate Git SSH keys that work everywhere

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Generate Git SSH keys that work everywhere
Generate Git SSH keys that work everywhere
It doesn't matter if you use CodeDeploy, BitBucket, GitLab or GitHub, SSH keys generated by the ssh-keygen tool available on Windows and Linux will work everywhere.

In this quick tutorial, I give an example of how to generate Git SSH keys for GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab. And not only do I generate public and private SSH keys, but I show you very quickly how to configure these Git SSH keys in the GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket web interfaces so that you can clone a repository hosted on any of them .

And everything is super simple. This Generate Git SSH Key tutorial only takes a few minutes. It introduces Git SSH key generation on Linux and Windows and shows you how to get Git SSH URL from BitBucket, GitLab, and GitHub. Next, we make an SSH clone of GitHub with the SSH keys generated for Git.

Check it out. You'll be a master at generating SSH keys for Git in no time!

For more information on creating GitHub keys, see the following TechTarget link:

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