Giving away your best work for free as a content marketing strategy

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Giving away your best work for free as a content marketing strategy
Giving away your best work for free as a content marketing strategy
Q: I sometimes feel that giving away some of my best work for free may mean that others will perceive it as less valuable. Is this a real risk or is this where the right hook balances it all out?

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Entrepreneurship Answered is a collection of answers from the #AskGaryVee Show that features an entrepreneur's perspective on leadership, social media, self-awareness, winning, marketing, venture capital, arbitrage, digital media, influencers, corporate culture, start-ups, attention, content, management, empathy, legacy, parenting, family business, crush, storytelling, thank you, jab, straight hook, hustle and the Jets New York.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. Fresh out of university, he took his family wine business Wine Library and grew it from a €3m business to €60m in just five years. He now runs VaynerMedia, one of the hottest digital agencies in the world. Along the way, he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding his own venture capital firm.

Find Gary here:

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