Google advanced search IN 3 minutes!

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Google advanced search IN 3 minutes!
Google advanced search IN 3 minutes!
Here's how to use Google's advanced search operators. The average person uses Google search four times a day. But most barely know how to use it. Learning how to use Google Advanced Search correctly can open up many opportunities. Get leads, create better content, find new contacts… Learn how to use search operators and start using Google Search like an absolute pro!

For a great list of all the different search operators, check out this excellent ahrefs blog post:

Specific examples used in the video:

Search for websites similar to your chosen website /"founder we are recruiting/"
Search a specific website (LinkedIn) for a specific term (founder we are recruiting) intitle:startups
Search a specific website (Google Docs Spreadsheets) for files with a specific word in the title (startups)

site: /"conference/" after: 2018
Search a specific website (Google Docs) for a specific term (conference) for files or sites created after 2018

inurl:intitle of report:/"SaaS Trends/" file type:pdf
Find websites with a specific word in the URL (report), with a specific term in the title (SaaS Trends), and only specific file types (PDF)

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